Preprints and Papers

Goldstein IH, Parker DM, Jiang S, Minin VM. Semiparametric inference of effective reproduction number dynamics from wastewater pathogen surveillance data, arXiv:2308.15770, 2023. Software: concRt.

Goldstein IH, Wakefield J, Minin VN. Incorporating testing volume into estimation of effective reproduction number dynamics, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 2023, qnad128.

Bayer D, Goldstein IH, Fintzi J, , Lumbard K, Ricotta E, Warner S, Busch LM, Strich JR, Chertow DS, Parker DM, Boden-Albala B, Dratch A, Chhuon R, Quick N, Zahn M, Minin VM. Semi-parametric modeling of SARS-CoV-2 transmission using tests, cases, deaths, and seroprevalence data, arXiv:2009.02654. Forthcoming in Annals of Applied Statistics.

Goldstein IH, Bayer D, Barilar I, Kizito B, Matsiri O, Modongo C, Zetola NM, Niemann S, Minin VM, Shin SS. Using genetic data to identify transmission risk factors: statistical assessment and application to tuberculosis transmission, PLoS Computational Biology, 18: e1010696, 2022.

Dusek, H, Goldstein IH, Rule A, Chiang MF, Hribar MF. Clinical Documentation During Scribed and Non-scribed Ophthalmology Office Visits, Ophthalmology Science, 1.4:100088, 2021.

Chen J, Hribar M, Goldstein IH, Rule A, Lin WC, Dusek H, Chiang MF. Electronic health record note review in an outpatient specialty clinic: who is looking, Jamia Open, 4(3):ooab044, 2021.

Henriksen B, Goldstein IH, Rule A, Huang AE, Dusek HL, Igelman A, Chiang MF, Hribar MR. Electronic Health Records in Ophthalmology: Source and Method of Documentation, American Journal of Ophthalmology, 211: 191-199, 2020.

Bellsmith K, Brown J, Jin Kim S, Goldstein IH, Coyner A, Ostmo S, Gupta K, Paul Chan RV, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Chiang MF, Campbell PJ. Aggressive Posterior Retinopathy of Prematurity: Clinical and Quantitative Imaging Features in a Large North American Cohort, Ophthalmology, 127.8: 1105-1112., 2020.

Hribar MR, Rule A, Huang AE, Dusek HL, Goldstein IH, Henriksen B, Lin WC, Igelmen A, Chiang MF. Redundancy of Progress Notes for Serial Office Visits, Ophthalmology, 127(1): 134-135, 2020.

Goldstein IH, Gowrisankaran S, Hwang T, Bales R, Chiang MF, Hribar MR. Changes in EHR use time and documentation over a decade of use, Ophthalmology, 126(6): 783-791, 2019.

Hribar MR, Huang AE, Goldstein IH, Reznick LG, Kuo A, Loh AR, Karr DJ, Wilson L, Chiang MF. Data Driven Scheduling for Improving Patient Efficiency in Ophthalmology Clinics, Ophthalmology, 126.3: 347-354, 2019.

Hribar MR, Read-Brown S, Goldstein IH, Reznick LG, Lombardi L, Parikh M, Chamberlain W, Chiang MF. Secondary use of electronic health record data for clinical workflow analysis, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 25(1):40-46, 2018.

Goldstein IH, Hribar MR, Read-Brown S, Chiang MF. Association of the Presence of Trainees With Outpatient Appointment Times in an Ophthalmology Clinic, JAMA Ophthalmology, 136(1): 20-26, 2018.

Chen YP, Goldstein IH, Lathrop ED, Nelson RB. Computing an Expected Hitting Time for the 3-Urn Ehrenfest Model via Electric Networks, Statistics and Probability Letters 127:42-48, 2017.

Lathrop ED, Goldstein IH, Chen YP. A note on a generalized Ehrenfest urn model: another look at the mean transition times, Journal of Applied Probability, 53(2): 630-632, 2016.
